FUNGI FORCE natural bio stain
transparent black and environmentally friendly

Make your garden beautiful!
Fungi Force is the first 100% natural stain. It gives the wood a beautiful natural transparent matte black colour and it offers your garden wood durable protection. Fungi Force is safe for people and nature and is the environmentally friendly alternative for impregnating, simply staining or painting outdoor wood such as:
- Fences,
- Pergolas,
- Garden houses,
- Playground equipment,
- Doors and frames,
- Wall cladding,
- Garden furniture,
- and other outdoor wood.
How does this natural stain work?
Fungi Force is a natural black stain that consists of two separate components. On the one hand the bio finish, a biological water-based stain with black pigmented fungi (Aureobasidium pullulans) and on the other hand the oil finish, a vegetable fat oil originating from linseed. Both Fungi Force bio finish and Fungi Force oil finish contain no harmful chemicals. The linseed oil serves as food for the fungus and also keeps the moisture out of the wood. The fungus protects the wood against the destructive power of UV radiation and also keeps other fungi out of the wood.
With Fungi Force you apply a biological matt black protective layer to outdoor wood. The biofinish prevents harmful solar radiation and protects the oil and wood. The oil has a moisturizing effect on the wood and keeps the biofinish in good condition. Through a simple, periodic post-treatment with the natural Fungi Force oil finish, the biofinish is optimally able to repair itself in case of minor damage. Your garden house, fence or pergola will be protected for the environment for many years.
Read more about the functioning of Fungi Force >>
Benefits Fungi Force stain
There are several reasons to choose the natural black stain Fungi Force:
- Beautiful deep transparent black color
- Easy to apply natural stain,
no surface preparation required - Low maintenance
- Very durable,
extends the lifespan of outdoor wood with many years - Easy to update,
without color difference - Self-healing for minor damage
- Does not peel off
- hardly discolours,
post-treatment with oilfinish prevents this - 100% natural materials
- Ultimately cheaper than normal stain
Fungi Force over paint, varnish or stain
At Fungi Force we regularly get the question whether Fungi Force natural stain can be applied over already painted, stained, impregnated or varnished wood. In principle this is possible, but we always recommend to test whether it works. We do not know which materials are in the old stain, paint or varnish and whether the coating adheres to the wood. Rough sanding is always necessary.
Good for environment and wallet
Did you know that when you use regular stain, you have to re-apply this every 2 to 5 years? You apply Fungi Force only once and then needs to be re-treated with oilfinish every one or two years. After an average use of 7 years, Fungi Force is cheaper than regular stain. And it is even better for the environment too. So something that is good for the environment, can also good for your wallet.
By the way, keeping up with the oil finish does not require any pre-treatment of the wood.

Application and maintenance
The application of Fungi Force is very simple. The two components are applied one after the other on untreated wood. The wood does not have to be sanded, degreased or undergo any other treatment.
Every year the bio finish should be checked and, if desired, re-treated with natural linseed oil or oilfinish if it becomes less black. The fungus then has too little nutrition. The oil finish can easily be applied with a brush or paint roller.
See also the processing >>
Order Fungi Force
Fungi Force is now being produced on a small scale in the Netherlands. This means that availability is limited. Fungi Force is available in cans of 0.75 l and 2.5 l. Good for approximately 6m2 or 20m2 of wood to be treated.
If you are interested in Fungi Force, please contact us.

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